IV Therapy

Discover the Power of IV Therapy
WELL Mobile IV Therapy
IV therapy has been a tremendous help for many patients that we see in our clinic. Whether you are looking for an immunity boost, increased hydration, or to support your overall skin health, we have an IV blend for you. One of our skilled Nurse Practitioners will customize a therapy treatment designed to fit your needs. Our IV infusions are mixed with essential fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and antioxidants, to quickly remedy a variety of conditions including:
– Immune system strengthening
– Anti-Aging
– Athletic performance and recovery
– Metabolism enhancement
– Hangover & headache relief
– Cold and flu symptoms
– Fatigue
– Brain fog
– Overall wellness
– Pregnancy and Postpartum support
IV Drip Cocktails
Hydrate and combat fatigue from dehydration
Boost your immune system, feel better faster
The “Gold Standard” for overall wellness
Designed for patients who need to get hydrated, but do not want additional vitamins or
Required Provider Consult prior to administration. Useful in motion sickness, headaches, insomnia, allergies, itching, cough, and nausea. $25
Required Provider Consult prior to administration. Useful in the management of moderately severe acute pain. $25
Required Provider Consult prior to administration. Useful in the management of morning sickness, chemotherapy-induced nausea, or the stomach flu. $25
We intentionally use smaller bags to avoid flushing nutrients from your body, but if you’re
dehydrated this add-on is the perfect way to nourish your cells. $30
Glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant, used to bring down inflammation and clear
the body of unwanted waste products. This half push is excellent for a mild detox and beauty
boost. $50
BOOST | B-12
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) helps maintain good health and has been shown to improve
metabolism, boost weight loss, increase energy, reduce fatigue, improve sleep and muscle
recovery, increase concentration, reduce depression, and improve heart health.
TRIM | B12/Lipo-C
Lipo-C injections are made up of amino acids, methionine, inositol, choline, and L-carnitine,
B1,and B5. They stimulate the liver to release stored fat deposits throughout the body. They
are on the same cellular level as B-12 so when given together the effects of the Lipotropic
Injections are intensified as well as getting the benefits of the B-12.
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol-D3) is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium
and phosphorus. Vitamin D is vital for bone mineralization and helps prevent osteoporosis. It
has also been found beneficial in fighting acute and chronic diseases, from the flu to heart
disease, reducing depression, anxiety, and fibromyalgia, and boosting weight loss.