
Well + Co // Branding

The power of Sculptra.

With age, your skin’s natural collagen supply decreases and you may start to notice wrinkles and facial aging. Activate the skin’s natural regenerative process with Sculptra Aesthetic and help replenish lost collagen, the most common protein in the body that supports cells and tissue. This FDA-approved injectable subtly and gradually over time helps restore facial volume.

ACTIVATE the power of your skin!

What to Expect 

Prior to injections, we will explain our filler options and recommend the best products for you. At your appointment, your aesthetic professional will cleanse your skin and determine areas to inject. The injections are generally quick and relatively painless, and no anesthetic is necessary. Dermal fillers are quick, walk-in, walk-out procedures, allowing you to return to your normal routine in as few as 20 minutes.

Recovery & Results 

Post treatment, you may develop some minor pinkness, swelling or bruising around the injection site. The extent of side effects vary depending on the type of filler, area of injection and how your body responds, but most side effects fade in 1 to 2 weeks. Some people may experience few to no side effects. You should avoid pressing on or massaging the treated area, but you can otherwise return to your normal schedule when you depart our office post-treatment.

Your results should gradually develop over the following 5 to 10 days. If you had wrinkle fillers placed, deep creases and lines should be minimized. With lip fillers, your lips should appear fuller and smoother, but not artificial or exaggerated. In all cases, results should appear natural and simply help you look and feel like your best self.

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